Abstract (概要)
このページでは IoT Gateway for BLE アプリの使い方を紹介します
I will introduce how to use of IoT Gateway for BLE app in this page.
Slack チャネルを使ってデバイスから Slack のチャネルに通知する方法を紹介します
I’ll show you how to notification from the device to the channel of the Slack using Slack channel.
アプリ自体のダウンロードは以下の URL からお願いします
App download of thank you from the following URL.
Equipment (環境)
- IoT Gateway for BLE v1.4
- Slack ( at 27 July 2016 )
- BLESerial2
To add an integration of Incomming Webhook (Incomming Webhook URL の作成)
まず、Slack に Incomming Webhooks のインテグレーションを追加します
First, you have to add an integration of webhooks.
https://slack.com/apps にアクセスし「incoming webhook」検索してください
You can search “incoming webhook” in https://slack.com/apps.
そして、Add Configuration からインテグレーションを追加します
Next, tap the “Add Configuration” button.
通知したいチャネルを選択して「Add Incoming Webhooks Integration」を選択したら追加完了です
Input a channel in slack you want notify, and click the “Add Incoming Webhooks Integration”.
Icon and name is whatever you want.
以下のような Webhook URL が取得できれば Slack 側の準備は OK です
It will be OK. You could get a webhook URL following as:
To register the Slack info into the app (アプリに Slack チャネルを登録する)
作成した Slack の Incoming Webhooks の情報をアプリに登録します
Next, you have to regist you created an incoming webhooks URL into the app.
アプリを起動して Channels を選択してください
Launch the “IoT Gateway for BLE” app and tap the “Channels” button.
Slack チャネルを選択します
Tap the Slack channel in a list.
一番下の New を選択します
And tap a “New” button in the bottom.
すると Slack の Incoming Webhooks の情報を入力する画面になるので先ほど作成した Incoming Webhooks の情報を入力していきます
This will give you the chance to screen for entering the incoming webhooks info. Input the incoming webhooks data that you just created.
以下のように入力できれば OK です
It is OK if you can input your broker data following as:
Incoming Webhook URL のように長い文字列を iPhone で入力するのは大変です
It is hard to enter a long string as Incoming Webhook URL in the iPhone.
メールアプリやメモアプリのような PC とデータを共有できるアプリを使って URL の情報をコピペすると入力が簡単になります
Using an app that can share a data from PC, such as e-mail app and memo app will be information about the URL to easily input and to copy and paste.
Please try the “Connect Test”.
“Success Connect” になれば問題なく MQTT ブローカーに接続できています
If you can get the message of “Success Connect”, it has been able to connect to the Slack channel without problems.
最後に Add を選択して Slack チャネルの作成を完了してください
Finally you tap the “Add” button, you have completed adding the new Slack channel into the app.
作成が完了すると Slack チャネルの一覧に戻ります
To return to the list of Slack channel then completed adding the new data.
Linking a Bluetooth device (Bluetooth デバイスと紐付ける)
作成したチャネルと Bluetooth デバイスを紐付けます
Your bluetooth device is going to be linked to the Slack channel that you created.
今回 Bluetooth デバイスは自作の BLESerial2 を使用します
In this time, we chose one BLE device of “BLESerial2” made by ourself.
SensorTag など GATT Profile をサポートしている Bluetooth デバイスであれば何でも OK です
Anything is OK if a BLE device that supports the GATT Profile such as SensorTag.
Gateway Home から “New” を選択します
Tap a “New” button in the Home.
デバイスモードの選択で “BLE” を選択します
And, tap a “BLE” button in the Device Mode.
またこのときスマートフォンの Bluetooth の機能を ON にしてください
Also, please turn ON the Bluetooth function on your smartphone.
BLESerial2 の電源を ON にしてください
To turn on the power of BLESerial2 device.
すると Device List の中に BLESerial2 が見つかるはずです
Then you should find a BLESerial2 in the “Device List”.
デバイスを選択したら次に Service を選択します
Next, you should select a Service of you have selected the device.
Service を選択したら Characteristic を選択しましょう
And next, you should select a Characteristic of you have selected the service.
今回 “IoT Gateway for BLE” では Notify タイプの Characteristic のみをサポートしています
Only supports “IoT Gateway for BLE” app in Notify type of Characteristic.
これは BLE デバイスからの通知情報をアプリ側で受け取る必要があるためです
Because, it is necessary to receive the notification data from the BLE device in the app side.
Read タイプの Characteristic だとアプリから定期的に値を読み込む必要があり、その場合だとデータが不要なときでも値を取得し続けてしまうため Notify タイプのみをサポートしています
To need to read on a regular basis the value from the application that it is Characteristic of the Read type.
Supports only Notify type for data that it is the case would continue to get the value even when not needed.
Notify タイプの Characteristic を選択したら “Notify Test” をタップして本当に問題ないか確認してください
You have selected the Notify type of Characteristic, please make sure not really a problem to tap the “Notify Test” button.
テストが問題なければ “Add” を選択して BLE デバイスを追加してください
Add your BLE device tapping the “Add” button if there is no problem.
This will give you the chance to screen to link a channel.
今回は先ほど作成した Slack チャネルと紐付けるので “Slack” を選択します
This time select the “Slack” in a list, so you should link a incoming webhook of Slack channel you just created.
そして作成した Slack の Incomming Webhooks を選択し OK をタップします
And select the incoming webhooks of Slack that you created and then tap OK.
これで Slack チャネルと BLE デバイスの紐付けが完了しました
To linking the Slack channel and the BLE device is now completed.
この操作が Gateway を作成するという操作になります
This operation will be the operation called as “Creating a Gateway”.
作成が完了すると Gateway の一覧に戻るので作成された Gateway を確認してください
Please check your gateway which has created in the list of Gateways.
Test (動作確認)
So the last to try to test your gateway.
作成した Gateway を選択してください
Please select the Gateway you created.
すると Gateway を起動する画面になるので Start をタップしてください
Tap the “Start” button then it will be shown the screen to start the Gateway.
このとき BLE デバイスの電源は ON にしておいてください
Power on your BLE device.
Gateway を起動すると自動的に登録した BLE デバイスを検索し接続してくれます
Search for BLE devices registered to start the Gateway, and has automatically connected to them.
BLE デバイスとの接続が完了すると紐付けした Slack チャネルとの接続が始まります
It will start connection with Slack cahnnel when the connection is completed with the BLE device.
Slack チャネルとの接続も完了すると Gateway の準備が完了しました
And also completed the connection to the Slack channel, the Gateway is ready !
これで BLE デバイスから Notify の情報を送信するとそのデータがそのまま Slack のチャネルにメッセージとして通知されます
When you send the data of Notify from BLE device, it will be notified as messages to the specified Slack channel.
Slack のチャネルを確認すると以下の用に通知されていることを確認できると思います
Finally, you can verify that messages are notified to your channel of Slack following as: